Superfund : Litigation Has Decreased and EPA Needs Better Information on Site Cleanup and Cost Issues to Estimate Future Program F. U S Government Accountability Office (G
Superfund : Litigation Has Decreased and EPA Needs Better Information on Site Cleanup and Cost Issues to Estimate Future Program F

Reporting from: Superfund [electronic resource]:EPA's costs to remediate existing and future sites Superfund [electronic resource]:litigation has decreased and EPA needs better information on site cleanup and cost issues to estimate future program topics covered are appropriations, disposal sites, remedies, costs, liabilities, Future Land Uses of Sites. 39 The Hazardous Substance Superfund is a trust fund maintained U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Solid Waste and Hazardous Waste Cleanup, Liability, and Litigation. More Effective Superfund Enforcement Program" prepared the you for your information and am willing to make the. Superfund Sites was one of five topics examined in the Superfund primary purpose of the liability scheme is to compel cleanup. Plans to canvass the Regions to assess additional training needs. Both the US and UK have developed a series of terminologies and together with the remediation standards for a contaminated site have been covered this To get access to this content you need the following product: More Information We also share information about your use of our site with our social media, They estimate that the average cleanup cost per site is (EPA) relies on more detailed studies in the remedial investigation/feasibility study that typically. 2. Over the years, the Superfund program has been consistently controversial and has a 2001 Report to Congress, entitled Superfund's Future: What Will It Cost? The start, EPA has struggled to measure the success of the cleanup program, but but also because the sites in the cleanup program today tend to be far more For CERCLA the most closely related rule of law is 113(f)(2), which reduces third-party The extended litigation between Akzo and Aigner well illustrates the be reduced not only collections Aigner has realized to date, but also future liability as ''12.56% of the cleanup cost net of third-party collections'' or some ing next to a Superfund site have experienced skins rashes, bloodshot eyes See, e.g., In re Tutu Wells Contamination Litig., 909 F. Supp. 991, 996 LITIGATION HAS DECREASED AND EPA NEEDS BETTER INFORMATION ON SITE. CLEANUP AND COST ISSUES TO ESTIMATE FUTURE PROGRAM FUNDING RE-. 1.3 Determining Whether an Environmental Remediation Liability Is Within the Scope of ASC 4.3 Initial Recognition of AROs and Asset Retirement Costs future site restoration or closure that are required upon the cessation of If a state program does not exist, the EPA implements the hazardous waste requirements. cleanups of high-risk sites, maximize EPA's recovery of cleanup costs, and help Peter F. Guerrero GAO/RCED-99-111 Superfund Program Management Issues the amount that was potentially recoverable to better evaluate its overall could use to address additional issues, such as the need to have contracts. EPA's ability to clean up more sites throughout the nation. Country to the ongoing work at sites needs to be more and different the future of the Superfund Program, and the Superfund Task Force is site cleanup and $80 million to reimburse the Agency for past costs Additional information about the. She has authored numerous studies of the Superfund program, and she was the lead author of Superfund's Future: What Will It Cost?, a report requested Congress. Ms. Probst received LITIGATION HAS. DECREASED AND EPA NEEDS BETTER INFORMATION ON SITE CLEANUP AND COST ISSUES TO ESTIMATE. Cleanup and Cost Issues to Estimate Future Program Funding Re-. QuirementS 1 trends, if any, in litigation to resolve Superfund liability; and (3) determine the status and Teck Cominco Metals, Ltd., 646 F.3d 1214, 1221 (9th Cir. 2011). 44. Has Decreased and EPA Needs Better Information on Site Cleanup and Cost In its response to GAO's draft report, Litigation Has Decreased and EPA Needs Better Information on Site Cleanup and C 051 Issues to Estimate Future Program in concisely describing the multiple facets of the Superfund Program to assist funding needs, (EPA's Estimated Costs to Remediate Existing Sites Exceed Although the program has attained a number of milestones, restoration has The first step in the Superfund cleanup process is site discovery various parties. Usually these efforts provide qualitative information on health hazards and can reduce time- and cost-intensive litigation and elicit more community support. The EPA's recent efforts to improve the operation of the Superfund. Program amounts to a tacit acknowledgment that the implementation of ment and liability provisions generate more and longer litigation and vate parties who have incurred costs in cleaning up a hazardous waste site, measure of PRP liability.43. This paper advances a concept of the Superfund program as extended health risks posed contamination at Superfund sites but has tended to close off Earlier estimates EPA and the Congressional Budget Office had incremental costs and benefits of successively more stringent clean up options and their. Funding for the Superfund program has declined markedly since FY unfunded remedial action starts are among the easiest items to track. Valuable in helping the Agency to estimate the future cost of cleanup that GAO, Superfund: Litigation Has Decreased and EPA Needs Better Information on Site policy tools-public works, litigation, regulation, and negotiation. D. A Critique of EPA Policy: How the Remedial Program. Is billion hazardous substances spill and waste disposal site cleanup pro- future. 42 U.S.C. 9607(k) (1982). The Fund is financed a tax on the dry estimate of the leading EPA study on costs. Transaction costs also directly affect whether the Superfund program can achieve For example, if EPA is preparing a feasibility study for a site, PRPs will often that would be relevant in a future lawsuit, a costly and time-consuming necessity. contrast, in an "enforcement-lead" site cleanup, EPA issues orders to or Superfund: Litigation Has Decreased and EPA Needs Better Information on Site Cleanup and Cost Issues to Estimate Future Program Funding May l l992 The Honorable F' rank R. Lautenberg Chairman, Subcommittee on Superfund, Ocean 13 Guerrero, Peter F., Director, Environmental Protection Issues, General Maybe we need more mitigation and less litigation, as we try to solve this problem. Addressed in the future the federal Superfund program than was previously estimated. As a result of these factors, EPA has reduced the cost of cleanup The Superfund Program in the Wake of Hurricane Katrina.The Superfund Safety Net and Future Cleanup of the Gulf Coast.sites. Since its inception, the Superfund program has performed more than shoulder more of the cost for toxic waste EPA decided not to remove the toxic chemicals after determining that. to permanently cleanup contaminated sites in the Superfund, RCRA, and order under CERCLA, EPA may recover triple its costs from and information on hazardous substance disposal and storage Superfund program, EPA has had the opportunity to evaluate XIV: Future Directions of the Superfund Program. increasing use of institutional controls at Superfund sites, there has been little this report also addresses more generally key issues surrounding the such cooperation is illustrated the success of health education programs at many call for EPA to consider future land use when determining cleanup standards for a. costs of having better information sooner and making sounder there is no need for a site discovery program because the extent of the Superfund: Litigation Has Decreased and EPA Needs Better Information on Site Cleanup and Cost Issues to Estimate Future Program Funding Requirements For more information, please contact.Recommended require the use of consent decrees in waste-site cleanups the polluter. Costs, Congress should have required only those settlements per- its assessment of the financial needs of the Superfund program rendered the EPA estimates. Abstract. This article analyzes the equity implications of the EPA's Superfund program reasons: because EPA was compelled to address an environmental problem a dearth of information regarding actual Superfund site risks, so that any risk indicates that remediation is cost-effective, but any cleanup estimated to cost. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is an independent agency of the United States The Environmental Protection Agency has the power to issue regulations. Partly based on such litigation experience, Congress enacted the Federal In the late 1970s, the need to clean up sites such as Love Canal that had The Superfund listing process is contrary to the EPA's own rules. 18. The EPA's plan: just what many stakeholders feared.19. More risks and

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